Attention Drivers: School Is Back in Session
Precautions and reminders to keep children on roads safe
The first week of September brings on cooler weather, a changing of the leaves and most notably, children returning to school. It will become common place to see children walking, running, skipping, biking etc. their way back schools across the Province especially in the first few weeks of September. For many children it will be their first year of attending school and adjusting to the routine of travelling to school may take awhile for some. Thus, it is highly imperative for drivers to exercise extreme caution and safe driving habits in and around school zones and common school routes.
Unfortunately, BC driving statistics show that an average of 51 children are injured as result of motor vehicle accidents in school zones. The biggest and most ticketed offences in these school zones are speeding and distracted driving. As a result, Provincial police will be very mindful and strict when it comes to enforcing safe driving habits in school zones.
“The start of school is an exciting time for both students and parents. The safety of children is our priority and our officers will be strict when they are enforcing the rules around school zones,” said Vancouver police Insp. Loris Zuccato.
Below are some driver tips:
• Always respect school zone speed limits and signs. 30km/h from 8am – 5pm, Mon-Fri
• Playgrounds have 30 km/h speed limits in effect every day from dawn to dusk
• When dropping off kids for school, always get them to exit on the sidewalk side of the car. Don’t let kids cross midblock.
• Follow the lead of other drivers if they stop suddenly in a school zone.
• Watch for school buses and when their lights are flashing, vehicles approaching from both directions must stop.
• Always look for kids and other pedestrians when starting to drive in a school zone.
• Avoid unnecessary distractions as children can run suddenly onto roads or driveways.